Time vs Access & Time Equals Lives

  • In any mass shooting incident, the outcome will virtually always be affected by two fundamental elements; Time and Access. If our goal is to reduce the number of casualties sustained, we want to minimize the amount of time and access that an attacker has to potential victims, while maximizing the amount of time and access first responders have to those same victims. Simply put, the side that controls time & access more effectively will have a greater effect on the outcome of any mass shooting incident, regardless of the circumstances. This challenge of trying to slow down the attacker by giving him nowhere to go while offering first responders unlimited access and time to work is the over-arching strategy we call the Time/Access Paradox.

  • The Golden Hour is a phrase that equates to the roughly 60 minutes first responders have from the time that a casualty is inflicted, to provide that victim with advanced life-saving care. When we consider this in terms of the Time/Access Paradox, we can say that to offer a trauma victim the greatest chance of survival, we need to save first responders time wherever we can and buy the wounded time whenever we can. Time Equals Lives.

  •   These ideas of the Time/Access Paradox and Time Equals Lives are the core philosophies that influence every action, assessment, training, and test that we do, and make up the over-arching strategy behind all of our training & recommendations.

    While the reality of a zero casualty count is extremely low by definition, your objective will always be to save as many lives as possible by reducing the total number of casualties inflicted and treating those casualties as quickly as possible. At East Wind Consulting, every recommendation that we make is designed toward our over-arching strategy of managing Time & Access. During all assessments, we want to determine how we can streamline planning, build processes, and provide

  • While we recognize that the best fight is the one we avoid, sometimes that’s just not possible. If you have to deal with an attacker, we want you to do so on your terms, using a plan that maximizes your control of time and access as your weapon. We want to keep the attacker moving slow and struggling for every inch as they move into your space. We want to force the attacker to deal with Police as soon as possible, while giving the Police every advantage to stop the threat, and we want to maximize first responder access to victims as well as giving them as much time as they need to treat the wounded and evacuate everyone to safety. At East Wind Consulting, we do this through constant planning, training, testing and assessment in conjunction with your local first responder groups whenever possible.